Every year our church publishes a new membership directory so that everyone has up-to-date contact information for everyone else in the congregation. I'm sure its helpful to many but personally, I prefer to use the excuse "Oh, sorry I didn't call you back - I didn't have your phone number!" That's much less believable when the lie is so transparent.
Family and individual pictures are included (in case you've forgotten what the members look like because you've been stuck down in the nursery every Sunday for the past five years) and I had been thinking it was time for a new picture of our family.
This one was taken two years ago and our children have grown just a touch since then. I love that we all have our coats (and even backpacks) on because we're ready to run out the door to church. Isn't it horrid? But I love the Girl is carrying her Dolly, which went everywhere with us for years and can still be found all over the house.
So last Sunday, five minutes before we had to leave for church, we again assembled in the same spot (minus the numbers chart and child-sized chairs) for a more recent photo op.
I wanted us all the be in our jammies, but Daddy refused. Interesting that my head is now listing to the other side....
Ah, well. At least we can all stand up this year!
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